The state of the Banking Union

Aspects of the Banking Union are changing and endangering crisis-hardened and stabilising structures as the Savings Banks. The current glossary is meant to support the opinion-forming process, put each initiative into context and describe their practical effects.

The Savings Banks Finance Group believes that the Banking Union must constantly be measured against its initial motivation - to ensure
financial stability and put firm common principles in place for banking supervision in the euro area. Regulation and supervision must be
proportionate to banks of different sizes and business models of financial institutions, because they conceal different risks. Stabilising features that are already in place must not needlessly be put in jeopardy.

For credit institutions, the past years meant profound changes within the realm of supervision and resolution. While small- and medium sized banks – in particular Savings Banks and Cooperative Banks in Germany – have not caused the financial crisis, they are, nonetheless, strongly affected by banking regulation.

The current glossary "On the state of the Banking Union" is designed to support the opinion-forming process, put each initiative into context and describe their practical effects.  


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